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Persona Posh Blog

{{ ------------BEGIN SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{{ ------BLOG INFO------ }}

{% assign: blog_feed_url = '' %}
{% assign: blog_link_url = ''%}
{% assign: blog_link_text = 'Read more at our blog site †’' %}
{% assign: number_of_entries = 10 %}

{{ ------------END SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{% capture top_of_sidebar_content %}


{% endcapture %}
Loading posts...
{% if display_sidebar contains 'es' %}
{% if top_of_sidebar_content != blank %}
{{ top_of_sidebar_content }}
{% endif %} {% if Show_Additional_Sidebar_Content == 'Yes' %} {% if bottom_of_sidebar_content != blank %}
{{ bottom_of_sidebar_content }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}

var feedURL = '{{ blog_feed_url | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var numEntries = '{{ number_of_entries | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var blogURL = '{{ blog_link_url | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var blogLink = '{{ blog_link_text | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var linkAtts = '{{ blog_link_behaviour | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var dateFormat = '{{ post_date_format | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var shareEntries = '{{ share_blog_entries_tool | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var addThisID = '{{ addthis_pulisher_id | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';
var shareFormat = '{{ share_tool_style | strip_html | replace: "'", "\\'" }}';